When is the best time to seek investment advice?

When is the best time to seek investment advice?

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Investment planning is now less of an art and more of a science. Increasingly more sophisticated technology, an ever-expanding landscape of investment opportunities and stringent regulatory restrictions have made the scientific approach the norm rather than the exception. The question is: has your investment planning kept pace? Acumen’s impartial investment advice provides all the science you need to achieve best-in-class performance.

Investment planning and asset allocation are two separate but inextricably linked processes. The latter cannot, or rather should not, happen without the former. Investment transactions can be executed in mere moments. However, a great deal of time is spent planning and researching the markets prior to these transactions.

Building in time to take stock and plan effectively is the surest route to success.

Unless your name happens to be Warren Buffett, the best decisions are rarely made under pressure. Take the current Covid-19 pandemic as a perfect example. Despite the market volatility this ongoing crisis has prompted, this is not the time to be making snap decisions. Remaining cool, calm and collected is essential.

When to review your investment planning

So, when is the best time to review your investment planning? Well, there are several pertinent scenarios that should prompt you to re-evaluate your portfolio. We recommend seeking independent investment advice if any of the following criteria applies to your current situation:

  • You are still holding funds that you bought more than ten years ago.
  • Your investment holdings have not been reviewed within the past year.
  • You have inherited investments that were simply added to your portfolio without review.
  • Your objectives have changed since your holdings were last reviewed or are likely to do so soon.
  • The investments underpinning your pension have not been considered in your investment strategy.
  • One or more of your investments has performed well or badly, creating an imbalance in your portfolio.

Investment advice from Acumen

Investment planning enables you to understand your investment strategy more thoroughly. It also gives you the opportunity to track your portfolio’s performance. As such, investment planning is a critically important process. Identifying your investment goals is the first step in the planning process because goal setting encourages you to make best use of your capital over the short term and the longer term.

Acumen’s experienced IFAs can advise you on the best strategies to achieve your objectives. We offer independent investment advice, outsourcing the daily management of your funds to one of our trusted network of investment advisers. This allows us to handle your financial planning, whilst putting your assets in the hands of investment experts who have the resources and industry insights to deliver the best results.

For more information about our investment planning services, or to access investment advice from one of our advisers, please contact Acumen today by calling 0151 520 4353 or email us at [email protected].

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